
Feminist Group Ottar is radical and activist

Feminist group Ottar is a politically independent women's organization founded in 1991. The group is named after pioneer Elise Ottesen Jensen, called Ottar. Most of the previous century, she worked for the right to contraception and abortion.

Ottar has groups in Oslo, Stavanger and Bergen, as well as individual members across the country and in Sweden and Denmark. We have common regulations and program.

Ottar is open to all women who accept our program. Support-membership is open both to women and men. Ottar has been particularly active fighting pornography and prostitution, and members are visible in the public debate. The magazine Ottar is pubished once a year. 



Full membership: Working women:  300, - NOK, Students and retired: 150, - NOK

Support-membership (women, men and children): 50 - NOK

Pay your membership fee to the account of the group you would like to stay connected to, Oslo, Stavanger og Bergen. Accountnumbers listed below.


National board 

Ottar's national board (styret.ottar AT gmail.com ) 
Phone: 92 83 66 97 
Account: 3201 23 16215

Chair: Ane Stø,  Phone: +4792836697
Asta B. Håland (asta.haaland AT lyse.net)
Randi Mobæk (ranmobae AT online.no)
Hanne Størset (hanne.storset AT gmail.com)
Leikny Øgrim (leikny.ogrim AT hiao.no)



Feminist Group Ottar, Bergen
PO Box 755 Sentrum, 

5001 Bergen 
Telephone: 47 35 58 95 
bergen.ottar AT gmail.com 
account: 0530 23 25652

Feminist Group Ottar, Oslo
Konow gate 5, 
0192 Oslo 
Phone: 92 04 56 16 
oslo.ottar AT gmail.com  
account: 0540 06 26938

Feminist Group Ottar, Stavanger
Box 516 
4001 Stavanger 
Phone: 97 19 38 33 
stavanger.ottar AT gmail.com  
account: 3201 08 99752